Four of the Rescuers Arrested When They Opted to Stay in the Abortion Center in Solidarity with the Unborn About to Be Executed
On Friday, June 7th, at approximately 8:30am 7 pro-lifers entered the abortion facility of the Women’s Center of Flint, MI, 3422 Flushing Rd. including your Citizens for a Pro-Life Society director. We sat down next to women seated in the waiting room and offered them material help and words of encouragement to leave the clinic and choose life for their babies. We had about 10 minutes to counsel the women before clinic staff rounded them up and ushered them into a hallway off of the waiting room.
At this point the rescuers sang hymns, prayed and tried to communicate with the women who were just in the next hallway. Your CPLS director left the clinic when one of the women came out of the back hallway and exited the facility. I hoped to talk to her in the parking lot and tried to persuade her to give life to her baby. Sadly however, she went back into the abortion clinic. While the rescue continued I stayed in the parking lot and continued to counsel other women who were arriving for their abortions.
In the meantime one of the rescuers, Rhonda, was actually able to gain access to the back hallway as the clinic staff believed she was one of their customers. She attempted to talk to the moms and offer them literature. When one of the women said: "Why are you back here with us?" Rhonda cleverly replied: "I'm back here with you because like your mother, my mother gave me life!"
A few of the women in the waiting room did take red roses offered to them and pro-life pamphlets as well. I was able to leave pro-life literature on a shelf near chairs in the waiting room before I left the clinic.
Four of the rescuers stayed in the clinic refusing to leave when told to do so by law enforcement when a contingent of ten Flint Township offers arrived! The four rescuers intended to offer an act of non-violent defense of unborn children about to be aborted.
The philosophy of the Red Rose Rescue is that the unborn scheduled for abortion are the true outcasts of society--they are the abandoned and the unwanted--and they deserve to have someone BE WITH THEM as they are about to go off to their execution. Moreover, we know, after this, the 14th Red Rose Rescue, that as long as there is a pro-life presence inside the abortion center--the killing is stopped!
The June 7th Red Rose Rescue is the 3rd such Rescue to take place in Michigan since the first took place Sept. 15, 2017 at the Northland Family Planning Clinic in Sterling Hts. Attached to each rose offered to the women is a card that states on one side “You were made to love and to be loved... your goodness is greater than the difficulties of your situation. Circumstances in life change. A new life, however tiny, brings the promise of unrepeatable joy.” Phone numbers of local pregnancy help centers are listed on the reverse side of the card.
The Flint abortion center is owned and operated by Michigan resident Victoria Moore who also owns an abortion center in Saginaw. Theodore Roumell first performs abortions at the Saginaw facility while women, told to arrive at 8:30 at the Flint clinic, wait literally for hours for the abortionist to arrive. Second trimester abortions are conducted Mondays and are performed by abortionist Reginald Sharpe.
Monica Migliorino Miller, director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society organizer of the Red Rose Rescue explains: "The Red Rose Rescue is an act of charity for women who feel for whatever reason they must have their innocent unborn children killed. Those who take part are willing to embrace risks for these women and their babies. We will go into the very places where the unborn are put to death and extend help to the moms. Should this help be refused—we will not leave the abortion centers but remain in solidarity with the helpless victims oppressed by the injustice of abortion. Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta said that her work was ‘to go into the dark holes of the poor.’ The Red Rose Rescue is an action of going into the dark holes of the poor where the innocent are rejected—and in these dark holes we seek to bring love, hope, and true peace to the women scheduled for abortions, encouraging them to choose life.”
(Photo above: Will Goodman under arrest)
Those arrested at the clinic June 7th are William Goodman, Lauren Handy, Patrice Woodworth and Matthew Connolly, ranging in age from 50 to 25 years of age. They expect to be arraigned before a judge on Monday, June 10th. PLEASE PLEASE PRAY FOR THEM-- AND PRAY FOR A WOMAN NAMED TAYLA-- A WOMAN I COUNSELED FOR OVER 20 MINUTES WHO MAY COME BACK TO THE CLINIC FOR 2nd Trimester ABORTION!